Our team has significant experience in the construction of major building works and refurbishment projects. During this phase we work closely with clients to select the right contractor and prepare for the physical build. We then work closely with the contractor providing value through experience and driving performance to achieve certainty in terms of cost, time, and quality.
Services during this phase include:
- Construction, handover, commissioning and defects management
- Review and provision of project construction documentation
- Advice on contractor selection and tender strategies
- Independent tender analysis and review
- Tender review, comparison and recommendations
- Preparation of Principal Project Requirements and associated contract documentation
- Contract negotiation
- Co-ordination of relevant legal advice for contractual agreements
- Site inspections including monthly reports
- Assessment of progress claims and certification
- Assessment of Notices of Delay (NOD) and Extension of Time (EOT)
- Identification and management of project risks
- Review of contractor management systems for quality, safety, environment
- Management of Head Contractor requirements and the achievement of practical completion by the contractor
- Management of contractor after practical completion, through the defects liability period until final certificate
- Overall project cost control and advice
- Construction cash flow analysis and review
- Review and tracking of quality control
- Assistance resolving on-site design issues throughout the construction phase
- Advice on project specific Industrial Relations issues